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A while ago I wrote an article sharing tips to become a Web Designer.

I thought I would do the same to share my experience as a Web Developer, and some of my pain too.

As technology continues to evolve, the demand for skilled web developers remains high. With the right skills and knowledge, you can become a sought-after web developer.
Here are some tips to help you get started:

Start with the basics
To become a web developer, you need to have a strong foundation in the basics of web development. Start by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the building blocks of the web, and they form the foundation of every website you see.

Learn Git and GitHub
Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes to your code and collaborate with others. GitHub is a web-based platform that hosts Git repositories and provides additional collaboration tools. Learning Git and GitHub is essential for any web developer, as it allows you to work more efficiently and effectively with others.

Learn about different types of websites
There are many different types of websites: static sites, server-side rendered (SSR), static site generated (SSG) sites, incremental static regeneration (ISR) sites, etc. Understanding the differences between these types of sites and when to use each one can help you build more efficient and effective web applications.

Learn about JavaScript's lifecycle
Understanding how JavaScript works behind the scenes can help you write more efficient code and troubleshoot errors more effectively. Learning about the engine, stack and heap memory, promises, is essential to mastering JavaScript and becoming a proficient web developer.

Learn a framework or library
Once you have a good understanding of the basics, you can start learning a web development framework or library. Some popular options include React, Vue.js, Anglular and Svelte. And new frameworks like Astro or Solid are born every day. These tools can help you build more complex web applications and make your development process more efficient.

Learn a metaframework
Metaframeworks and will enable you to build more powerful projects with less effort, provided you have full understanding of how to use them.

Metaframeworks are high-level frameworks that build on top of the frameworks I mentioned before and provide a set of conventions and tools to simplify the development process by abstracting away many of the low-level details of web application development, allowing developers to focus on building high-quality, reliable applications.

Nuxt.js, Next.js, and Remix are all examples of metaframeworks. Nuxt.js is a metaframework for Vue.js that provides a standardized file structure, automatic routing, and built-in support for SEO optimization, making it easier to build server-side rendered (SSR) and static site generator (SSG) applications.

Next.js is a metaframework for React that provides similar features to Nuxt.js, including automatic code splitting, client-side routing, and built-in support for static site generation.

Remix, on the other hand, is a metaframework for building web applications with React and JavaScript. It includes a set of conventions and tools for building scalable, maintainable applications, including built-in support for server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and a unified data layer.

Learn to do unit tests, integration tests, E2E tests and other important tests
Learning how to write and run tests is essential for building high-quality, reliable web applications. And it will help you catch and prevent errors early in the development process, ensuring that your application is stable and performs as expected.

Sit down and practice, practice, practice
When teaching programming I used to say to my students that learning to code comes down to a simple sum equation: H+C+S where H=Hours, C=Cola (butt in Spanish) and S=Silla (Chair). I still believe that today.
Start building your own projects and experiment with different technologies and tools. And do it again, and again and again.

Keep up with the latest trends
Web development is a constantly evolving field, with new technologies and trends emerging all the time. To stay up-to-date, you need to be constantly learning and expanding your skill set. Join online communities, attend web development conferences, follow industry blogs, and keep an eye on new technologies and trends.

Build a portfolio
Create a portfolio to showcase your work (Like I am doing here). Your portfolio should include examples of websites or web applications you have built, along with descriptions of the technologies and tools you used (Like I am doing here). This will help potential employers or clients see your skills in action and assess your suitability for their needs (Like it is hopefully happening here?).



Someone asked me what the best way to become a Web Designer is. If you're also wondering about how to achieve this goal, here are some tips to help you out.

Copyright Ignacio Revuelta 2025